The current culture that young engineers are exposed to in the average companies is largely created by current/ex employees of Big Tech, Famous Startups and Vendors. While they seldom lie, they omit a lot of facts from their narrative, like Competitively, selected engineers, working in high pressure environments with satisfactory rewards, or HR teams large enough to cover and back up most of the personal issues for first managers. It is hard to miss the similarity between the reclamations of successful
, self-proclaimed serial-entrepreneur who attributes his success to his ability to wake up at 5 AM, cold showers, ruthless focus but forget to mention his two million funds and rich friends from high school. 
There might be a single explanation for this crowd-funded-propaganda: The single biggest common advice you will find across the internet given to enthusiastic engineers looking to level up is to become visible; start writing articles, tweet, post on linkedin, youtube channels and so on. As it happens with any abundant loud unchallenged advice, a lot of engineers do follow it. The result is short of miraculous garbage of content: 100M article on how to get started with Spring,114M videos about k8s secret management, etc. This huge mess of garbage demands sorting and curating, so the rest of us could figure out what is worth reading. Here, unfortunately, fellow ordinary engineers, like the rest of the industry, choose to rank by signals: the current/past company of the author, how many startups they have created, how much money they have raised, which fancy framework they have created..
In the tech-world where your employers’ success strongly signals your success, these good creators set the tone for what is normal, what one shall expected from a company by default, bay any company for these engineers. They spread the the good gospel all the while working with above average engineers in above average companies, and all the average engineers gobble that information one youtube video at a time. The good becomes the norm against which all the ordinary engineers judge their companies and themselves.
So, here is my attempt to provide Ok Advice for Good People Leading Average Teams.